Sunday, March 7, 2010


Our cheerful couple popped ( should have HEARD the sounds!) out of bed this morning, and tripped down to the Breakfast Room at their Holiday Inn Express. A wonderful breakfast awaited. And coffee. Coffee!!!
We met the Holiday Inn Express Breakfast Greeter/Concierge and learned all about her goat that produces wonderful goat milk. It was an educational morning.
On the road again, we passed through Kentucky to Tennessee, all the while trying to recall our History and incidents from a recently read life of Daniel Boone. Who hunted. A lot. Wherever he could. We approached Chattanooga, after a GREAT drive through the mountains. Beautiful, and we had perfect weather.
As lunch approached, we decided to stop at the first local park we saw a sign for.
That's how we found: Old Stone Fort State Park!
A lovely site at the confluence of the Duck and Little Duck rivers, the Old Stone Fort was actually an Indian Mound that surrounded the confluence of the rivers for safety. We had our 'from Illinois' food: chicken breast, salad, and fixings. A picnic in 65 degree weather was so very, very welcome! Now, before we settled in for lunch, we had an 'incident': our 10 year old road refrigerator tanked. This 18 volt plug in the car fridge is a lifesaver and a BIG money saver.We bring all our own bottled water, juice, bread, cheese, sandwich meat, salads. It saves a bundle on the road! We had to stop at a truckstop to get a new one. Sigh. And, while we were there, we were hit on by a very plausible panhandler to whom we gave $5.00 for a hamburger.
They ALL talk to us!
After lunch, there was a PUSH to get down to Macon, GA for the night, since we were losing an hour.
Atlanta has the very worst traffic in the US that we have discovered yet. We say this EVERY time we go through Atlanta!
We settled in to our Holiday Inn Express in Macon by about 6 pm. After the most amazingly good sushi dinner at a restaurant called Shogun, here I am blogging and getting ready to get a decent night's sleep before hitting the road again.
More tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about your refrigerator, but everything else sounds great (well except of course for the rotten Atlanta traffic).
