Tuesday, May 26, 2009

More Garden Goodies

What a weekend! Hopefully, all the wonderful food we ate (and ate, and ate) was offset by the amount of exercise we did!

The veggie garden was weeded on Memorial by yours truly: it took 2 1/2 hours of hoe-hoe-hoeing (and some just plain hand-pulling) but the plants are no longer threated by invaders. For now.

I was so happily surprised to find: baby tomatoes! And...the first red strawberry! Here's the photos to show y'all.

And back at our house, the poppy 'Patty's Plum' has burst into full bloom. It took 3 years for this perennnial poppy to reach this stage, but it's been worth the wait.

Happy gardening!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you have tomatoes already!!! We'll be by with shopping bags soon... ; )
