Monday, April 27, 2009

Today, my DIL (at her house) and I (at mine) both battled Dandelions.

It's not an easy battle. I have actually set aside a 'sanctuary' where they can grow (birds like to pick at them and their seeds). The sanctuary is in my 'wild garden'. But they do NOT stay there. I do the usual: Weed N Feed, Scott's Step 1, 2, 3, 4...but they creep over from other areas. So today, I went out, trowel in hand, and waged a battle.

Years ago, I wrote the following poem to Dandelions. Hope you enjoy it:


Call me common.
Curse me, step on me, poison me,
label me a weed unwanted!
I’ll return.
I am your yellow reality.

© Phyllis A. Natanek
Bartlett, May 2002

published Moon Journal, Spring/Summer 2003, pg. 10


  1. Love the poem; Very minimalistic. I always thought the little dots of yellow in a field of green was kind of pretty. Don't hate me...

  2. MIL, we need a battle hymn, something we can chant whilst pulling the buggers out. It really is daunting when your lawn is the only one with huge patches of clover and dandelions. I feel the other "ehanced" lawns look down on my poor little scraggly one.
