After two months of discussion, we ended this year -- and this DECADE -- by trading in our favorite truck: Dually. Dually served us loyally for ten full years, taking us from Alaska, to Maine, to North and South Dakota; to Arizona, Texas, Florida and many points in between. Dually hauled clay to our studio, hauled mulch to our gardens, and hauled firebricks for our new kiln. And, Dually was still in top shape...but we have grown older, and have less need of such a workhorse of a vehicle. So Dually was put up for adoption at Car Max in Tinley Park today.

We were saddened to leave Dually with strangers, even the kind strangers at Car Max. Rich brooded all last night, and I reminisced about all the good times we had together. But the time came at last to say our goodbyes.
At first, we were unsure if our 'new' vehicle could ever replace a good, solid, working truck like Dually.
We had chosen a Chrysler Town & Country Van, and after looking at various T & C vans since the beginning of November, we felt we had found the one for us at this Car Max in Tinley Park. It was burgunday red. We wanted red. The interior was tan leather/suede. Just what we wanted. It had low miles, and all the bells and whistles that would keep us happy on the road or driving locally. When we saw it, we decided: This is the one. But the transition from an old love to a new flame is not without its bittersweet moments. We comforted ourselves with the knowledge that we were giving this orphaned auto a really good, caring home.
About 5 miles into our ride home in the Chrysler van, Rich's face was creased with a HUGE grin. I was having a geek's holiday with all the electronics. The seats were heavenly, and the van handled inpeccably.
"Let's name her Ruby", I said, as I played with the built-in GPS.
"Ruby Thursday!", added Rich, an impish grin on his face.
And Ruby Thursday she is. Ruby proudly took her place in our garage next to Maxine, our 2001 Ford Taurus, also adopted from Car Max.