Monday, September 28, 2009

The Seniors Europeon Vacation 2009


It was upon a lovely Tuesday that we were scheduled to leave our little farm village and fly to Oslo, Norway to visit our cousin and her family. Oh, the excitement! We were packed: one backpack apiece, one 'purse' apiece, and thin 'fannypacks' for our passports and cards. No checking luggage for US! We travel light and are very low maintenance.

And...the Benefiber tablets were in my backpack. We don't leave home without it.

A final check on the house, and we were out the door ... ridiculously early, but, after all, it's a long drive to O'Hare Airport. A drive made a bit longer when I discovered I had left my cell phone at home.

After backtracking and restarting...a 45 minute delay...we made our way to our big Chicago Airport with no further incidents.

Remote Parking just does not do justice to how far away from ANYTHING you have to leave your vehicle. We took copious notes, hoping we would be able to find the car when we returned; we slung on our backpacks (made heavier by all the M & M's we were carrying for my cousin...a treat apparently lacking in Norwegian stores) and trudged to the train that would take us to: The International Terminal!

With a few hours to spare, we verified that our flight was on the boards, and we zipped through Security with no problems. We found our Gate, found a seat, and ... waited. But we were happycampers...better early than late, we always say!

Promptly at 7:15 pm, after a really efficient boarding, our British Airways flight to Heathrow lifted off. Oh, my, what a great feeling! On our way. I didn't really even mind that I was in the middle seat on a very full flight with a skinny, nervous, sweating, fidgeting twenty-something in dirty jeans and bad breath sitting to my right. Almost didn't mind. Almost.

BA knows how to treat overseas passengers! Even in the 'cheap seats' we had movies, audio or whatever with individual screens and headsets. Pillows, blankets, socks ...all at no charge. Best of all...FREE WINE! And a dinner that was actually edible! We wondered: what was going on in Business Class, eh?

Through the night's 9 hour flight, after watching a movie, we managed to doze on and off (despite my fidgety,oderous seat companion), and we were delightfully surprised when the Cabin Crew brought us: BREAKFAST! Also quite edible! And, almost before we knew it, we had landed at Heathrow, Terminal 5.

There is no way to describe the sheer magnitude of Heathrow .... especially Terminal 5. In case you think you are missing a session of cardio, try walking from the plane to the gates in this terminal. This task was made a bit trickier by the fact that we had to land at an outlying terminal (God knows where!) and deplane on the old stairways that rolled up to the doors, then wait on the tarmac before taking a bus to Terminal 5.

By the time we found the 'common seating area' for BA, and found our flight on the Board, we were well acquainted with the Terminal. There is shopping EVERYWHERE, and this one terminal is, I believe, bigger than all of O'Hare. We had a Starbucks each (5 British pounds for two coffees...sheesh!) as we watched the Departure Board. You are not allowed to run to the Departure Gates until your Gate shows up on the Departure Board. Then, you have 30 minutes to hoof it or train it to your Gate. This makes for interesting flows of humanity through the Terminal.

Once again, after boarding, our BA flight took off on time, and we reached Oslo in 50 minutes flying time. By now, we were into Wednesday afternoon in Europe, and learning about jet lag, but we were too excited to care.

Landing in Oslo, we cleared Customs, and got our very first stamp on our new passports! And Cousin Sue was waiting for us, waving and smiling, as we left Customs.

Part 2: Oslo and Norway, coming soon.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Cleanup Crew from Morris


Today, Thursday, heralded our newest adventure! Our Garden Club, Morris Area Garden Club (MAGC) has officially adopted a section of busy Highway 47 through IDOT. We volunteered, as a Club, to get out there 4x per year to keep our section beautiful.

Today was our first day! Our IDOT signs were up, and we had a proud moment eyeballing them. 'This section of road maintained by Morris Area Garden Club.' Our six intrepid volunteers, now decked out in full IDOT cleanup gear, met at Morris Municipal Airport, ready to take on roadside trash. It was 9:30 am. We were sure we would finish by 10:30. It's just a mile or two of rural highway, after all.

Three of us covered the North side of 47, and three the South. Before beginning, we folded down the orange "CAUTION: ROAD CREW" signs that IDOT places on the posts under our 'adoption' signs. These signs, as you know, direct drivers to slow down and be careful!

Hubby took the area right along the road. I took the next section down, where the drainage ditch runs through, and our conciencious MAGC past president took the area closest to the corn fields'
Bit by ugly bit, we speared detritus and placed it into the bags.
We all had worn heavy gloves, long sleeves and caps to protect us from any and every thing we could think of. Except the temperature. It kept getting warmer and warmer. We began to sweat, and being aware of the nasty, evil condition of some of the garbage we were spearing, we were unable to use our gloved hands to wipe off the perspiration. Wetter and wetter, hotter and hotter, we trudged on.
And hubby, being by the road, had dust that covered the sweat. We were an ugly bunch. An ugly, sweating, smelly bunch.
By 11:30 am, and only halfway done, we stopped to rest by a bridge. A general agreement was reached that we would come back one more time to finish the second half. We had filled at least 12 bags with trash, and the two members who walked the road shoulder proper were nearly shell-shocked from roaring semis blowing by them and the backdrafts almost knocking them off their feet. Those of us working the ditch were the smelliest. The muddy ditchwater was truly evil. Six pooped volunteers called it a day.

Here are some bullet points we would like to share:
Top 'Throw Aways': Plastic bottles, and metal Cans. Especially BEER CANS
Unusual Finds: One LARGE pillow
Two FULL beer bottles
Part of a CAMO jacket
A LARGE blown apart truck tire (okay, not unusual, but BIG!)
Various unidentifiable car parts (also, not unusual, but interesting)
We'll be back out there soon to finish our second half. After all, there must be a stray bag of money laying around the side of the road, right?

Tuesday Dinner

It was an ordinary Tuesday, so we decided to 'jazz it up' with a fun dinner. Dessert was homemade peach pie (not in photo). A dinner for two, with yummy leftovers!